How to Reverse Page Order in PDF file using Acrobat Pro

For example, this is useful for incorporating Hebrew PDF files into English ones.

  1. Run this from the JavaScript Console (Ctrl+J):for (i = this.numPages – 1; i >= 0; i–) this.movePage(i);

    NOTE: Relevant options in Edit->Preferences->JavaScript must be enabled

  2. Put this Java Script
    Reversepageorder.js (2322 downloads)
    in folowing folder:

    • Windows XP:
      C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Adobe\Acrobat \9.0\JavaScripts
    • Windows Vista:
    • MAC OSX
      /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat/9.0_x86/JavaScripts

    NOTE: Relevant options in Edit->Preferences->JavaScript must be enabled

  3. Print the file into new PDF using reverse order page from Print Menu


2 thoughts on “How to Reverse Page Order in PDF file using Acrobat Pro”

  1. In Acrobat 9, you had to add a javascript to the ‘Document’ menu for the reverse page command. It works like a charm on documents big and small. You can use the same javacript from AA9 (with a slight modifiaction) for Adobe 10 and higher.

    I’m Using Acrobat X (10.1.9). The ‘Document’ menu no longer exists, so the JavaScript command has to be added to one that still does. I changed my js from Acrobat 9 as follows to place it in the ‘File’ menu:

    cParent: “File”

    This places the command directly under the ‘Open…’ command in the ‘File’ menu.

    Here’s the contents of the entire js file to add the Reverse Page Order command to the ‘File’ menu:

    app.addMenuItem({ cName: “Reverse Page Order”, cParent: “File”, cExec: “PPReversePages();”, cEnable: “event.rc = ( != null);”, nPos: 0


    function PPReversePages()


    var t = app.thermometer;

    t.duration = this.numPages;


    for (i = this.numPages – 1; i >= 0; i–)


    t.value = (i-this.numPages)*-1;


    t.text = ‘Moving page ‘ + (i + 1);



    }// JavaScript Document

    Put this code in a file named ReversePageOrder.js and save it to the Javascript file for Acrobat. On Windows 7 x64my file is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\Javascripts folder [not sure where on MAC, but it’s javascript and will run on both platforms]. Restart AA and you’ll see the command under ‘Open…’.

  2. I have Acrobat 9.2 Pro and found it was easily reversed simply by printing with the Acrobat printer (redistill) and check the reverse page order box in print dialogue box. Worked perfectly. Shows the original software view page numbers (order in which scanned) are in reverse order but the pages are reversed to the correct order.

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