Easy setting of Joomla 3.0 Writable Directrory Permissions in Linux (CentOS) – safe method script

chgrp -R apache administrator/components administrator/language administrator/language/en-GB administrator/language/overrides administrator/manifests/libraries administrator/manifests/packages administrator/manifests/files administrator/modules administrator/templates components images images/ language language/en-GB language/overrides libraries media modules plugins plugins/ templates configuration.php cache administrator/cache logs tmp

chmod -R g+w,o-rwx administrator/components administrator/language administrator/language/en-GB administrator/language/overrides administrator/manifests/libraries administrator/manifests/packages administrator/manifests/files administrator/modules administrator/templates components images images/ language language/en-GB language/overrides libraries media modules plugins plugins/ templates configuration.php cache administrator/cache logs tmp

Setting directory permissions for Joomla 1.6 Linux/Unix installation – safer method (script)

Safer method to make write permissions for Joomla 1.6 installation.

Run these two commands from ‘su’ or ‘root’ within joomla install directory (assuming that you have ‘apache’ user for httpd):

chgrp -R apache administrator/components administrator/language administrator/language/en-GB administrator/language/overrides administrator/manifests/files administrator/manifests/libraries administrator/manifests/packages administrator/modules administrator/templates components images images/banners images/sampledata language language/en-GB language/overrides libraries media modules plugins plugins/authentication plugins/content plugins/editors plugins/editors-xtd plugins/extension plugins/search plugins/system plugins/user templates configuration.php cache administrator/cache logs tmp

chmod -R g+w,o-rwx administrator/components administrator/language administrator/language/en-GB administrator/language/overrides administrator/manifests/files administrator/manifests/libraries administrator/manifests/packages administrator/modules administrator/templates components images images/banners images/sampledata language language/en-GB language/overrides libraries media modules plugins plugins/authentication plugins/content plugins/editors plugins/editors-xtd plugins/extension plugins/search plugins/system plugins/user templates configuration.php cache administrator/cache logs tmp

Installing BigDFT 1.5.2 with CUDA and OpenMPI support in Fedora 14 x64

BigDFT is DFT electronic structure calculation program that uses GPU acceleration. (http://inac.cea.fr/L_Sim/BigDFT/)

Latest version: 1.5.2

Installation tested in Fedoea 14 x64 with NVidia GT470 video card.

Installing prerequisites:

  • gcc
  • blas-devel
  • lapack-devel
  • openmpi (tested with 1.4.3)
  • NVidia Driver (tested with)
    • Need to disable Nueveu module, add xxxx to grub.conf
  • CUDA Toolbox (tested with 3.2)

Enviroment settings:


./configure –enable-mpi –enable-cuda-gpu –with-cuda-path=/usr/local/cuda FC=mpif90


make -j4


cd tests

make check


make install

X3TC (X3 Terran Conflict) larger (bigger) GUI text font

These zip files contain larger font files then original for X3:Terran Conflict game (tahoma13.tga and tahoma13.abc which reside in “root_game\f” folder)

1) Trebuchet MS 10 Font (preferred): x3tc_large_font_trebuchet10.zip (6390 downloads)

2) Trebuchet MS 11 Font : x3tc_large_font_trebuchet10.zip (6390 downloads)

Extract them in the root game directory.

These files was made using the x3fontmaker: x3fontmaker.zip (2679 downloads) (mirror)

How to Reverse Page Order in PDF file using Acrobat Pro

For example, this is useful for incorporating Hebrew PDF files into English ones.

  1. Run this from the JavaScript Console (Ctrl+J):for (i = this.numPages – 1; i >= 0; i–) this.movePage(i);

    NOTE: Relevant options in Edit->Preferences->JavaScript must be enabled

  2. Put this Java Script
    Reversepageorder.js (2387 downloads)
    in folowing folder:

    • Windows XP:
      C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Adobe\Acrobat \9.0\JavaScripts
    • Windows Vista:
    • MAC OSX
      /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat/9.0_x86/JavaScripts

    NOTE: Relevant options in Edit->Preferences->JavaScript must be enabled

  3. Print the file into new PDF using reverse order page from Print Menu

Source: http://forums.adobe.com/message/2920024

Linksys WRT54GL Router: Firmwares, Improving Performance, Overcloking, Slow speed download L2TP/PPTP UFI NGN

Low Download Speeds over L2TP/PPTP connections

Unfortunately this router is useless for UFI L2TP/PPTP connections which are in Israel.

Maximum speed was obtained around >750kBytes/s, which is not depend on firmware used (Tomato, dd-wrt, original) or overclocking at 250MHz.

EDIT: My solution now is Atom based motherboard from Zotac with WiFi card as my router/server. Power consuption is around 20-30W.

SO, STAY AWAY FROM WRT54GL ROUTER for >6Mbit over L2TP/PPTP. You will download maximum at 750kByte/s


top command:


Tomato firmware



DD-WRT firmware


Note: Upgraded from Tomato 1.28 by resetting NVRAM and flashing dd-wrt mini version followed by voip version.

Patch for Israel HOT L2TP in DD-WRT



refuse pap = no

in /tmp/xl2tpd/xl2tpd.conf

However, changes are lost after reboot.

You can use this script:


Overclocking (SSH, Telnet, Terminal, Command line)

Stick to 225, 240, 250 MHz. There reports of bricks on other clocks.

nvram set clkfreq=250
nvram commit

Checking speed of CPU

grep MIPS /proc/cpuinfo

CentOS5 Repositories Latest Versions (samba, apache, mysql, php)

Sernet Samba 3.5 repository

yum repo file: sernet-samba.repo

Jason’s Utter Ramblings Repo (httpd, php, mysql)

Import the GPG key:

rpm –import http://www.jasonlitka.com/media/RPM-GPG-KEY-jlitka

Create /etc/yum.repos.d/utterramblings.repo:

name=Jason’s Utter Ramblings Repo

Webcam Based Motion Sensor Software for Computer LCD Display (Monitor) Power State Control On/Off (Version 1.0.1)

As a part of my project towards PC based Home Information Display (i.e., Smart Photo Frame). I developed small program for controlling the LCD Display power state based on motion detection by simple webcam.


Program based on AForge.NET Framework’s sample application:


Motion Sensor (executable, Windows XP, Vista, 7) (1590 downloads)


Motion Sensor (Source Code C#, GPL) (1641 downloads)